
Thursday, September 3, 2015

Back to Begur

Is it boring to keep going back to the same place each year?  There’s no denying that the familiarity of this place makes us feel instantly at home, which is perfect when you are on a short break.  It means we know where to stay and where to eat, without the usual trailing around inspecting the restaurants only to find they haven’t got a table free anyway.    We have never visited in season before so the sight of the crowded beach at Sa Tuna was a new one.  Never mind, we knew that if we took a short walk uphill and then a scramble down the cliffs through a steep gulley we would be rewarded by a small un-crowded sandy beach.  How nice it was to rest our backs against the rough rock and to sit and read or look out at the boats anchored in the bay.  The swimming was perfect too.  On our last day a smiley Spanish lady who had been busy handing out food to her family came over to us with a Tortilla sandwich insisting we take it.  It was delicious and far better than our usual fare – we normally make do with a bag of nuts.  We felt awful as we had nothing to give in return and we couldn’t communicate how grateful we were for her kindness.  We kept exchanging smiles though so I think she knew. It was a petit moment; another experience to add to our beautiful memories of Begur.  

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