
Friday, April 6, 2018

Spring arrives in Le Midi!

Today we did a magnificent 15km walk in the Tarn et Garonne.  It was taken from the book 38 Randonees.  We parked the car at St Project and headed downhill on the main road to pick up a narrow track on the left (signposted with yellow Sentier Communale signs).  The chateau de la Reine Margot looked splendid against the clear blue sky. 

Chateau de la Reine Margot

For the most part the route was along beautiful shaded paths with only a little bit of road walking.  This time of year the fields looked lush and green (there has been a lot of rain) and the dandelions are growing well!  For the whole walk we didn’t see a soul, apart from a lady who passed us in her car with a cheery “belle promenade.”  And, for once, we didn’t get lost!    