
Monday, May 25, 2015


Setting out - our destination the peak in the distance
It never ceases to surprise me how much one can do in a day.   With part of a bank holiday weekend free and the weather looking settled we headed off to the Pyrenees for a day’s hiking.  It was made easier by the fact it was possible to drive the car up most of the mountain to the start of the walk at Bout de Touron (1,450 metres).  The walk is no. 20 from the Topo Guide Midi-Pyrenees a pied.   The nearest town is Foix, which is the final destination along the Sentier de Cathare - another walk on our “to do” list. 

From Foix you take the D421.  Parking the car where the road runs out, you head up to the track, turning right along the ridge.  Really, you can’t go wrong, although it wouldn’t be easy to find your way in mist.   As the clouds parted, the unexpected panorama of the snow-capped mountains before us took my breath away.   Then, as if this wasn’t reward enough, a group of semi-wild horses came galloping past.  Ridge walks are a favourite as they are all about views and I like a good view.     This one was particularly nostalgic as we were looking at the mountains and valleys we had walked as part of our traverse of the Pyrenees ten years ago.  

On the summit!

We walked above the snowline and made it to the summit of Rocher de Batail (1,716 metres) in the allotted time then, it was time to retrace our tracks back to the car.    We even had time for a drink in Foix in the late afternoon sun.
Looking back along the track

Cheval de Merens (black prince of the Pyrenees)

Springtime in Paris

Last weekend we made an impromptu visit to Paris.  It had been many years since we last visited and it reawakened our love affair with the city.  Unfortunately it seemed to reawaken the whole world’s love affair too by the look of the long meandering queues for all the main attractions.   Getting an ice cream was impossible!   After a quick visit to Montmartre – my favourite spot, we decided to avoid the honeypots and explore other parts of the city.  

Place des Vosges
We discovered the Place des Vosges, where the whole of the City seemed to be enjoying the sunshine.   We wandered the streets of the Marais quarter, soaking up the lively atmosphere and enjoying performances by street musicians.

We promised ourselves we wouldn’t leave it so long next time mind you, we said that ten years ago!