
Sunday, December 20, 2015

Five Miles From Home And Hopelessly Lost!

Magic mushrooms?
This weekend we visited the church at the small hamlet of Salvetat-des-Carts for a Concert de Noel.  The church was full and everyone sang with gusto.  There was mulled wine and cake afterwards.  Whilst parking the car we had noticed a footpath sign so we went back today to investigate.  We had the Najac IGN map, which showed a route past the church, down into the valley and which seemed to link back to the footpath we had seen.  I like a circular walk always hating retracing my footsteps.  Unfortunately the path soon petered out.  The views from here were so different from normal and we soon felt disorientated.  Several barbed wire fences and gates later we found ourselves on the wrong side of the fence in a field full of cows.  Not wanting to disturb them we spotted the road in the distance and decided to head for it.  This was easier said than done as we stumbled down slopes, through brambles and over and under barbed wire fences.  We even had to ford a stream, well we would have done if it hadn't been dry.  Eventually we stumbled onto the road looking like we had been dragged through a hedge backwards - well we had!  We followed the road uphill for half a mile where we were rewarded with a view of Najac - one that we had never seen before. And from there we took a well signed footpath back to Salvetat-des-Carts without having to climb over any more barbed wire fences.
The way was blocked!


  1. Wonderful view of Najac! Maybe worth getting lost for?

    1. It was a strange feeling, but yes the view was worth it!
