
Monday, March 23, 2015

Limestone Country

The day held the promise of spring and so we set off to The Lot Valley to do walk number 4, Sur les traces d’Andre Breton in the book Le Lot a Pied.

Parking the car in the village of Bouzies in the Lot Valley the path was easy to find running by the river Lot.  It was a GR path so well marked with red and white flashes. It clung to the cliffs and, in places, there was overhanging rock making you feel as if you were walking in a three-sided tunnel, with the river Lot rushing by.  In places springs surge through the rock and tumble down to the river.  There was an inscription halfway along and shapes and animals had been carved into the rock.  The rock here had been polished smooth and shone like marble.  A tiny stone house, shuttered and closed for the winter, was surrounded by primulas growing profusely in the garden. 

The path then forked right and it was a climb up into St Cirq Lapopie.   The path kept going up and soon we were at the same level as the ancient viewpoint above the village.  It was then a mixture of track through the Causse and goat pasture, ending with a tarmac road leading back to Bouzies.  It was a fabulous three hour (although it only took us a little over two hours!) circular walk on a perfect day.


  1. Isn't the towpath trail pretty? I've done part of this walk. You should let me know if you decide to do it again...I'll meet you in St. Cirq for a drink!!

    1. Yes it is a really pretty walk. Sounds like a plan!
