
Saturday, August 2, 2014

Marche Gourmande - Lescure Jaoul

Last Saturday, 26th July 2014 was the 10th Marche Gourmande (a culinary walk) starting from the little hamlet of Lescure Jaoul.  We first and last did the walk three years ago with our friends who live out that way and it was great fun.  This time we dragged our visitors along to take part.  
Lescure Jaoul in the distance
The walk was 13 kms long.  It is called Marche Gourmande because you walk to each stage of your meal. The final leg takes place in the dark, and you eventually stumble into the village centre, some four hours after starting, for dessert and coffee.  It is hugely popular (we were told that 1,000 people take part) so it is necessary to reserve your place.  It is extremely well organised.  At the beginning of the walk you are given a ticket, which you show at each stop to get your food.  Wine and water are included.  Participants leave in groups from the village centre between 6.30pm and 8pm.  We set off around 7pm.  The sun was shining and we had a spring in our step.  
The first stop, aperos, was welcome and everyone was smiling.  The next leg of the walk to our starter was also okay, but the spring in our step had gone.  There was a feeling of camaraderie with everyone sat at long trestle tables tucking into their food.  As we left the sun was beginning to set.  The next leg of the walk was rather long and in the dark, although it was atmospheric to see a line of wavering torchlight behind and in front of us.  Finally, in the distance we could see the lights of the tent where the main course was being dished up.  There had been fewer smiles on this stage of the walk!  However, the food, which everyone agreed was delicious, helped to restore flagging energy levels.  

The final stage was easy (thank goodness) and we arrived back at the village centre around 11.30pm.  We had even managed to overtake a few people en route!  There was a band playing accordion music and the dance floor was packed with swirling couples – we joined them briefly, but we were no match for their elegance!   The evening was rounded off by a firework display.  I would do the whole thing again in a shot – not sure all our visitors would, but we all agreed it would be the talking point of their stay for years to come!    

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