
Thursday, June 26, 2014

California Dreaming

First impressions of San Diego were good.  The city is located on the shores of the Pacific ocean.  Everyone seemed relaxed and friendly.   But I only got a glimpse of the city as only there for the night. We had arranged to hire a car so that we can drive out to the Grand Canyon.  We've been given a bright red Mustang!!! 

We left San Diego and drove to La Jolla.  The beaches here are popular so the roads were busy.  I couldn't believe the number of cormorants, pelicans and seagulls  scattering the rocks and then on the boulders below were seals and sea lions sunning themselves completely unperturbed by the snorkelers and swimmers.

I was impressed by the chipmunk until I heard someone whispering 'look at that woman taking a photo of a squirrel!!' After having a truly tasty lunch in the Whisknladle restaurant we headed for Julian where we are staying tonight in the Eaglesnest B&B.  Julian is an old gold mining town and couldn't be more different to La Jolla!  We've stocked up on plenty of water ready for our traverse of the desert tomorrow - it's at least an 8 hour drive to the
Grand Canyon.


  1. Looks amazing, very jealous. Surprised not to see a picture of the chipmunk! :-) x

    1. Chipmunk picture added just for you! I was fighting the jetlag last night so have just corrected some typos and spelling mistakes too!

  2. Looks like you got some sun...proving my weather prediction wrong! Oh well. Isn't La Jolla beautiful/ My grandparents used to have a cabin in Julian many,many moons ago. I remember when I was a little girl, I saw my first snow up there in those mountains.

    1. Cloudy mornings seem to be the pattern by the sea. You're right La Jolla is beautiful and lots of wildlife too, which I didn't expect. That's so interesting about your grandparents and Julian - I'll go and take some more photos. I had the most sublime apple and boysenberry pie here yesterday!
