
Thursday, May 29, 2014

The Aveyron Valley Bowl

Najac stretched along the ridge
This weekend we stayed even closer to home – in fact the walk started from our front door!  We followed the yellow flashes of the local PR path.  It is a circular walk descending deep into the Aveyron valley to the river and then climbing back up over a rocky track to the hamlet of La Loubiere.   The walk is detailed in the Topo Guide – Les plus beaux villages de l’Aveyron a pied.  We chose the 9km circuit (walk no. 20).   It is one of my favourite local walks.   Much of it is along quiet roads.  The route takes you past La Singlarie where our friends run an organic farm.  For the most part, the walk rewards the walker with stunning views of Najac and its castle.  As we descended we spotted a bank of wild strawberries, which we feasted on (okay there weren't that many and they were tiny, but oh so tasty!) The climb back out of the valley gets your heart pumping, but it is worth it for the vast panorama when you reach the top.  Occasionally, on a clear winter’s day, you can see the snow-capped Pyrenees looming on the horizon. 

Wild flowers

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