
Sunday, November 8, 2015

Castanet PR1

It is always special walking from our own front door.  We bought this book from the library at Varen and yesterday we did our first walk from it.  We were looking for a new walk we could do without getting in the car.

It was a beautiful day, more like summer than autumn so, we packed a picnic and headed up the Mazerolles footpath to join the route.  It is a three hour circular walk.  We were astounded to find that, although we thought we knew the area well, most of the walk was along footpaths new to us.  We stopped for lunch at the charming hamlet of La Piale.  We didn’t see a soul, apart from a lone hunter who assured us that it was safe to continue and, towards the end, about 30 motorcyclists!  This being France, we all respected each other’s enjoyment of the environment, which meant we didn’t get shot at or run over!  It was a delightful walk, enhanced by the golden autumn colours and the fact that we were on new territory.

On Pech Maurel the highest point at 504m
Lunch spot at La Piale


A spare night en route to the UK late September meant we had time for a quick stopover at La Rochelle, which has been on our list of places to visit for a long time.  Everyone we spoke to said how much they loved La Rochelle so we were pleased to find that it lived up to the hype.  We arrived on a busy Saturday afternoon and struggled to find our way through the maze of one way systems.   We stayed at the Entre Hotes, which was located in a tranquil street, but just a short walk to the centre of things.  

On Sunday we did the historic town walk recommended on the map from the tourist office, ending up at Restaurant Andre where we ate the best fish meal we had eaten in a long time.  It was a shame the visit was so short, but at least we’ve still got lots to discover next time!