
Sunday, January 11, 2015

A Walk Along The Thames

Feeling lonely (Richard is away) and in need of exercise I decided to take advantage of the beautiful sunny day and do one of my favourite walks.  It was actually the first walk Richard and I did together.  I remember I knew nothing about walking then and slid along the muddy path in my inappropriate fashion boots.  

Leaving Bisham and heading towards Temple the walk, at first, is along a quiet country road.  In the spring the road is lined with a profusion of daffodils planted by the residents of Temple.    In Temple, the road ends and you continue past a row of cottages to join a slate fenced alleyway.   This slate fence has an interesting history and there was talk, years ago, of restoring it, but little seems to have happened with the project.  The path continues through a tunnel and then along a wider track.  Through a gate you turn right towards the river.   Left here along the riverbank takes you to the village of Hurley and right and over the bridge takes you to Marlow.  I turned right.   Being a Sunday there were lots of people out and about enjoying the sunshine.   

The view of Bisham All Saints’ church with its Norman tower was stunning.  It is a beautiful walk made more so by my happy memories associated with it and the fact I haven’t done it for a while – the track was impassable last winter due to the floods.  The path becomes busier the closer you get to Marlow.  Then it’s over the Marlow suspension bridge and back towards Bisham.  The whole walk taking an hour and a half at a brisk pace.

Marlow suspension bridge in the distance