
Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The Maz Circuit

Every day I try and fit in a walk, even if it is just the “Maz Circuit.”  The Maz Circuit is the name we have given to the local walk we do.  It only takes 35 minutes, but there is a climb involved so it gets the heart pumping.  In our early days here we insisted that all our visitors did the Maz Circuit at least once in their stay!  We leave the house, walk through our tiny hamlet of Mazerolles, up past the old stone church, then right past a couple of houses and following an old mule track uphill.  The track is littered with rocks and stones, some moss-covered and lethal when wet, others worn smooth over the ages.  Often we are compelled to stop and admire the view (a good excuse to catch your breath!) Below the church and chateau of Mazerolles stretch before us and in the distance sits Najac castle.  I love the view whatever the season.  In the winter smoke unfurls from chimneys.   In the summer the trees are full of birdsong and children’s laughter floats up.  In early autumn our walking is slower as we stop to pick blackberries.  When we reach the top we are usually joined by a couple of local dogs eager to be out on a walk.  We turn left to join the main road where it is an easy walk downhill past the cemetery with its view across the hills to Najac, spread along the ridge like a string of pearls.