
Monday, June 17, 2013

Costa Brava

This weekend we ended up in Begur on the Costa Brava courtesy of a French Air Traffic Control Strike.  Hubby had been due to fly from the UK to Toulouse, but all flights were cancelled so the crazy man took a flight to Barcelona, which meant me driving to pick him up.  We met in Girona for lunch! As we were down that way we decided to stay for a long weekend.  Girona is a lovely city and we would have liked to linger (we will go back), but the sea beckoned.

We haven't visited Begur for a couple of years and it was nice to be back.  In previous years we have stayed at the family run Hotel Rosa so that's where we headed for.

Our first day we walked (downhill) from Begur to Sa Tuna only an hour.  Sa Tuna, an old fishing village, is located on a small bay with white-washed houses clinging to the hillside.

We took the costal path towards Tamariu intending to carry on walking, but we spotted a private bay so clambering down we found a shady spot and sat awhile.  Hubby even had a dip in the sea.  In fact we sat so long we didn't make it to Tamariu!

The next day from Sa Tuna we walked the opposite way in a northerly direction to Sa Riera - beautiful. The walk took about a couple of hours.  I even managed a swim in this lovely cove, albeit a quick one!  The intention had been to follow the costal path back, but we spotted a  green and white marker for the GR92 and an inland path to Begur so we followed it back (40 mins).  We feared some of it would be along roads, but it was a wonderful leafy route.  Dinner at Rostei  (the strawberry gazpacho starter was sublime) was a perfect end to our impromptu Spanish trip.